Tape That!

Tape That is a charming, light-hearted non-verbal acrobatic duet. Two performers construct a visual world using colourful tape, object manipulation and partner acrobatics. A simple roll of tape

transforms from DJ decks to a spyglass, and is stretched to create physical barriers and obstacles for the performers to navigate.

Tape That is a playful exploration of the world we live in; when challenges present themselves, just how many problems can be fixed with a few rolls of duct tape?

Hands Down Circus is a brand new contemporary circus company creating original work in the UK

and Ireland.

Performed by: Carys Nicholls & Graham Milligan

Support from: Tape That is commissioned by Applause Rural Touring and the Roundhouse, in

partnership with FiraTàrrega’s Support for Creation programme. Also supported by Arts Council

England and Culture Ireland.


Pedestrian Street

Tue 25th June 12.45pm

Thu 27th June 3.45pm

Pelle Hermanni Park, Kirjurinluoto

Tue 25th June 5.00pm

Eteläranta (Waterfront)

Wed 26th June 3.45pm

Thu 27th June 12.45pm

​​​​​​​Fri 28th June 12.45pm Graham Milligan Solo

Kehräämö, Opening Club HOP!club

​​​​​​​Tue 25th June 8.00pm