Juostaanko? (Shall We Run?)

Photo: Unto Rautio

Eyes meet and touch springs to life which will build up into a shared dance. Joy, play and susceptibility guide this piece which will barge gently across the streets of Pori. It will pose the question, what if the most important thing, after all, was to just dance together.

Choreography: Riku Lehtopolku and performers

Dance: Kasperi Kolehmainen, Oskari Kymäläinen, Fiia Lamminen, Riku Lehtopolku, Meri Tankka and Riikka Tankka

Sound Design: Eero Auvinen


Thu 27th June 1.45pm City Hall --> Market Square

Thu 27th June 2.30pm Market Square --> Eetunaukio Square

Fri 28th June 11.15am Eetunaukio Square --> Market Square

Fri 28th June 11.50am Raatihuone Park --> Market Square