Hodman & Sally

Meet Hodman and Sally! Award-winning puppet walkabout characters.

This world famous act, featuring two tiny backpackers, has delighted audiences at festivals and events all over the globe with its quick witted comedy and enchanting illusion. Using storytelling, puppetry and improvisation, ‘Hodman and Sally’ is an original walkabout show with visual spectacle and characters that will melt your heart.

These adorable explorers are on a mission to discover all they can about the outside world. Wondering as they wander, Hodman and Sally will be your new best friends and draw you in to their world with tales from their home country of Oblivia. They’ll entertain you with their stories and ask about yours, happily sharing their personal philosophy, indeed navel gazing is something of a speciality (although it’s usually other people’s navels, due to the height difference). Hodman and Sally take you on a journey that you’ll remember long after the show is over… they might go on a bit though, they are ramblers after all!


Tue 25th June 11.45am Raatihuone Park

Tue 25th June 1.15pm Eetunaukio Square

Tue 25th June 3.00pm Eetunaukio Square

Wed 26th June 11.45am Eetunaukio Square

Wed 26th June 2.00pm Eteläranta

Wed 26th June 4.15pm Market Square

Thu 27th June 12.15pm Eetunaukio Square

Thu 27th June 4.15pm Raatihuone Park