The Felicity Footloose Show

The Felicity Footloose Show is full of fun frolics and daredevil antics!! Felicity Footloose lives in the 80's and just wants to dance!! Watch as she juggles, dances and performs daredevil acrobatics to try and impress her hero. She'll even go as far as to hang from her toes and juggle knives hanging upside down!! It is a fun 35 minute street show wrapped up in a comedy package and all of that to a fabulous 80's soundtrack.

The Felicity Footloose show is devised and performed by Natasha McGhie. Natasha was born in London and started to learn to juggle at the tender age of 10 using oranges from her mothers fruit bowl. To save their poor fruit from bruising her parents saw fit to buy her juggling balls for Christmas and from then on Natasha has never looked back.

She left school at 16 to do her first professional job as a juggler at Legoland. From then on she has been lucky enough to perform in a variety of different venues and shows – from circus (Big Fun, No Fit State community and Bassline Circus), cabaret (Shambala, Lapland), improvised theatre (Gonzo Moose), festivals (Glastonbury, Woodford, Linz) and much, much more!!

In 2008 Natasha went to Australia and created her solo street show ‘The Felicity Footloose Show’ with which she has delighted audiences all over the world ever since!! She currently runs a circus / street theatre company called Fit Up Productions that tours around England with their own fold out trailer stage!


Eteläranta (Waterfront)

Tue 25th June 12.45am

Thu 27th June 3.45pm

Pedestrian Street

Wed 26th June 4.45pm

Pelle Hermanni Park, Kirjurinluoto

Fri 28th June 12.00pm

Kehräämö, Opening Club HOP!club

​​​​​​​Tue 25th June 8.00pm